About Us
Christ Community Covenant Church (commonly known as 4Cs) is a church committed to developing
a warm and friendly church community, and a Sunday celebration experience in which you can
connect with and grow closer to God.
We have many areas for you and your family to connect.
There is worship and ministry geared for every age.
Our desire is that you feel at home, make new friends, and grow spiritually in new and
exciting ways.
Our Vision
We envision Christ Community Covenant Church as a community of believers, but open to anyone
searching for the truth. Through the leading of the Holy Spirit, we desire to listen well to
the Lord’s voice, through prayer and wrestling with the truths of His Word. As we listen, we
are drawn into the current of discipleship that gently carries us from newness in Jesus to
fullness in Jesus.
Our Mission
Christ Community Covenant Church is compelled by the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.

Jesus stated the Great Commandment saying:
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your
soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your
neighbor as yourself." Matthew 22:37-39
Additionally, the Great Commission compels to to participate with God in extending the Kingdom of God.
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and
of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have committed you. And behold I am with you always,
to the end of the age. Matthew 28:19–20
We are committed to Love God, Love Others and Advance the Kingdom Together because is is the mission of God to do so.
To accomplish this calling, Christ Community Covenant Church has embraced the Kingdom of God lifestyle, dedicated to becoming
a church that experiences the fullest blessings God has to offer. We call this a 100-fold blessing. We see ourselves as a
100-fold church, drawing that inspiration from the parable of the seeds and soil found in Mark 4.
In this kingdom parable, Jesus compares the spreading of the word in the hearts of mankind to the growing of seeds onto the
various conditions of soil:
Listen! A sower went out to sow. And as he sowed, some seed fell along the path, and the birds came and devoured it.
Other seed fell on rocky ground, where it did not have much soil, and immediately it sprang up, since it had no depth of soil.
And when the sun rose, it was scorched and since it had no root, it withered away. Other seed fell among thorns, and the thorns
grew up and choked it, and it yielded no grain. And other seeds feel into good soil and produced grain, growing up and increasing
and yielding 30-fold and 60-fold and a 100-fold. And he said
"He who has ears to hear let him hear." Mark 4:1-9
Our Story
In May 1988, Arvada Covenant Church approved the planting of a new Covenant Church
to be located in the northwest Arvada area and that July, the founding pastor,
Gary Copeland, was named and the church plant temporarily began operating as Northwest Covenant Fellowship.
Weekly Friday Night Fellowships were held at Arvada West High School.
During this time, a group
of people interested in being part of the church began to emerge. In August, we selected
Christ Community Covenant Church for the church name and held our first Sunday morning
worship service at Arvada West High School on August 28th, with an initial attendance of 270.
By November of that year, we had doubled our attendance and moved into a leased space at
64th and Simms. The first service at our new 'home' was held on November 6th with an attendance of 557.
In June of 1989, Christ Community Covenant Church was officially received into the Evangelical Covenant Church.
In 1991, 4Cs purchased 10 acres with buildings at 82nd and Simms, in unincorporated Jefferson County.
The facility was built in 1973 for the Colorado Bible Church and the Arvada Christian School,
an elementary secondary school. The first worship service in the new building at its present
location was held on December 22nd.
Art Greco took over as our second pastor in September 1993 and served for eight years. Chuck Wysong
assumed the role of Senior Pastor in December of 2001.
Desiring to impact a wider community, we sold the property at 82nd & Simms to North Jeffco
Parks & Recreation in May 2002 and began the search for new property where a new church
facility will be constructed. In January, 2003, during a special congregational meeting, approval
was given by members for the purchase of the property on the northwest corner of 100th and Wadsworth.
In April 2005, Dave Scherrer assumed the role of interim Senior Pastor and was officially
installed in March of 2006.
The APEX Parks and Recreation District now occupies the east half of the building at 82nd and Simms with dance and gymnastics programs. In January 2011, 4C's completed an extensive
remodel of the west half of the building with the addition of office space, a remodeled auditorium and classrooms.
Rejoicing in God's provision in the past, we look forward to our continued journey with Him as He leads us into the future.
The Evangelical Covenant Church
Christ Community Covenant Church is a member of the Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC) denomination.
The Evangelical Covenant Church is a rapidly growing multiethnic denomination in the United States and Canada with ministries on five continents of the world. Founded in 1885 by Swedish immigrants, the ECC values the Bible as the word of God, the gift of God's grace and ever-deepening spiritual life that comes through a faith with Jesus Christ, the importance of extending God's love and compassion to a hurting world, and the strength that comes from unity within diversity.
The Evangelical Covenant Church is:
- Evangelical, but not exclusive
- Biblical, but not doctrinaire
- Traditional, but not rigid
- Congregational, but not independent
We are united by Christ in a holy covenant of churches empowered by the Holy Spirit to obey the great commandments and the great commission: to love God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind, to love our neighbors as ourselves, and to go into all the world and make disciples.
We agree together to:
- Cultivate communities of worship committed to: prayer, preaching, and study of the word; the celebration of the sacraments; and fellowship across gender, race, age, culture, and class.
- Equip loving, giving, growing Christians to reach out with the good news of Jesus Christ - evangelizing the lost, ministering to those in need, and seeking justice for the oppressed.
For additional information, visit the Evangelical Covenant Church web site